On The Bookshelf: February 2017

Some of my favourite things to talk about are books, hence why I attended a reading group for eight years of my life and why I now intend to (hopefully!) study English Literature at university from September this year. For that reason, I thought I would use this post as chance to discuss a couple of the books that I have read most recently, the first being Inside Vogue: A Diary Of My 100th Year by the Vogue editor Alexandra Shulman. I'm not usually one for non-fiction reads, preferring to throw myself into a good story rather than a biography, but this was one which really intrigued me so I was excited when I received it from my cousin for Christmas. I'd highly recommend this to anybody who caught the Richard Macer documentary last year, which saw the filmmaker head inside the offices of the legendary magazine during its centenary year, as the diary reveals Shulman's true feelings about all the goings-on that we saw on screen, although the book would be app...